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Choose your pricing plan
Unlimited 1Year Pass
1,112£For Adults onlyValid for one year- All adults classes
- Special Events, Seminars, Parties, Shows and Rehearsals
Unlimited1Month Pass
112£For adults onlyValid for one month- Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Burlesque & Body Conditioning
- Special Events, Seminars, Parties, Shows and Rehearsals
95£3-5 yars oldValid for 6 months- 10 classes to use when you want for any dance style
KIDS LEVEL 1-2-3-4-5
95£Valid for 6 months- 10 classes free to use when you want and for any dance style
Teens Membership
95£unlimited classes for 1 monthValid for one month- unlimited Teens and Adults classes
95£Stretching & body conditioningValid for 6 months- 9 +1 free classes to use anytime you want
- for stretching & body conditioning
Dance classes
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